On May 18, Congress Congress spokesperson Randeep Singh Surjewala tweeted an image of a woman riding a bicycle with an infant wrapped on her back and a sack tugged on to the cycle’s rear seat. This image was shared with a caption in Hindi, “New India’s truth." This tweet has now been removed.
Before getting deleted, this tweet was retweeted more than 190 times.
In our investigation, we found out that in an old image from Nepal. With the help of relevant keyword and reverse image search, we found that this image in European Pressphoto Agency's gallery, according to which, this image was captured by a photographer named Narendra Shreshtha back in 2012, in Nepal's Kathmandu.
The caption of the image reads, “A Nepalese mother carrying a child on her back as she travels on a bicycle towards Nepalgunj city, some 573 kilometers from capital Kathmandu, Nepal, 29 June 2012.”
This image was also used in a blog named Cyclechic in 2016.
Congress spokesperson Randeep Singh Surjewala tweeted an 8-year-old image from Nepal falsely claiming it to be from India.
Note: You can reach out to us at facthunt.in[at]gmail dot com if you find any issue with our articles.
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