Should Hindi be mandatory in schools throughout India: national identity or Hindi imposition

Started on 2019-06-04 19:05:56 by Neel Kamal

OP's Perspective

On May 31, the Centre had released a draft of the National Education Policy, which included a clause that mandated the teaching of Hindi in schools in non-Hindi speaking States.

“The study of three languages by students in the Hindi-speaking States would continue to include Hindi and English and one of the modern languages from other parts of India, while the study of languages by students in non-Hindi speaking States would include the regional language, Hindi and English”  

Political parties in the South, particularly Tamil Nadu, had strongly opposed the three-language formula suggested in the earlier draft policy, alleging that it was tantamount to thrusting Hindi on non-Hindi speaking populations.

The Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) has now revised the draft which offers flexibility over the choice of languages in schools under the three-language model, following protests over the perceived imposition of Hindi in non-Hindi speaking States.

Let's discuss whether Hindu should have been mandatory in the National Education Policy.